If your poodle barks a lot, we have the SOLUTION!
If your poodle is one of those that barks and barks, with or without reason, all the time and everywhere, and you want to find a way to solve it, you're in the right place!
Try these tips that will help him stay calmer and lower anxiety, one of the main causes of excessive barking.
How poodle experts in Micaniche.comWe have the solution to the problem and we are going to help you and your furry friend, because surely he does not want to bark so much for his own pleasure, but it is the way he has found to express himself, but this can be corrected, with love and patience.
>First step: discovering why your poodle barks a lot
The first thing we must do is to try to find the cause of the problem. Some dogs bark because they are trying to let you know what they need and it is the most comfortable and direct form of communication they have found.
It could be, for example, that he is hungry, thirsty or wants to go for a walk, or play with you. Remember that barking is his way to get your attention.
This is not a problem as long as his barking is not excessive, and that he barks for too long, more than 1 or 2 minutes, because if he keeps barking it means that something is wrong or that he can't find a way to get to you.
>>Second step: give immediate attention
If your poodle knows that you are always there for him and that he doesn't need to bark so much, he will surely stop doing it so insistently, and little by little you can teach him new ways of communicating with you, quieter and calmer, such as, for example, coming closer and giving you his paw or waiting near the door or the food bowl, but only wagging his tail, without barking.
>>>>Third step: maintaining stable routines
It is very good for your poodle to have a stable daily routine, that will give him more security and confidence, since one of the causes that cause poodles and other breeds of dogs to bark a lot is anxiety, which is calmed with a daily routine of feeding, play and rest, with more or less fixed and stable schedules in the long term.
What to do if your poodle keeps barking ?
You can look for other causes, you should analyze if it could be due to his lack of physical activity, or maybe he suffers from problems of hyperactivitywhich is quite common in dogs.
Another cause may be that he does not know how to socialize well with other dogs, for example, it is quite common for him to bark too much only when he sees another dog, especially on walks, and it has to do with his territorial sentiment, because it barks because it feels the threat of another dog, and what it seeks is only to assert itself, defend their territory or their masters, or their belongings.
We also recommend you to read: Separation anxiety in poodle dogs
It is very important not to punish
If your poodle barks a lot be very careful not to punish him, remember that he is only expressing himself and most likely needs attention and proper training, which is achieved with patience and love, not with blows.
What your poodle needs is for you to take these measures and you will see that little by little he will improve his behavior and remember that if his barking persists you should seek the help of a veterinarian who can give you more information about your dog's behavior and health, as well as additional advice.
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I had an old golden retriever and we adopted the poodle, who immediately adopted him as "his big brother or father". The golden recently passed away, and apparently became insecure, as he barks a lot at other dogs and people passing by.
We recently saw a golden and introduced him to her. She hugged him and started licking his face and ears, and as we were leaving he was crying a lot. -
I am going to follow these tips pq my poodle barks a lot!!!. it is a complaint in my building and I need him to shut up.
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